Hello fellow viewers, This post I am showing you a piece of writing from my (Story structure) WRITING!! Story structure means that you have a Beginning, Middle, and a End to your story.
The begging will start here!:Create your own story with a beginning (intro, characters/setting), middle (conflict/problem) and end (resolution). You can find an interesting image to write about.
In the vast woods at 10:00 at night. There was a person named Kaito hiking continuously trying to find a good spot to camp. While he was doing that… HE NOTICED THAT HE WAS LOST!! This was the worst disaster to happen because he doesn’t have any phone or smoke all he had were clothes, sleeping bag, radio and a few cans of baked beans.
The middle will start here!:The next morning he woke up early. He needed a way to signal with radio he only had one pair of batteries so he had to act quick or otherwise he will run out of battery. He did it for hours and hours and finally he found the rescue chopper radio station he told them that they would see a faint gray smoke coming out of the woods and that is where he would be.
The end will start here!:Now that he has called the rescue chopper he started collecting wood to make smoke. It took Kaito only a few minutes to make a fire. And finally he was on the helicopter flying back to his home in Auckland.
Question: Do you like my story? & Have you done a similar piece of writing to me?