Monday, 1 November 2021

Fake news!

 Hello, Today I will be showing you a slide about fake things that you might believe because of how real they look. But have a think, do you really think this is real? And if it was could you do it aswell?

I hope you liked the slide! Have you ran into fake media and thought it was real?
Please tell me in the comment section bellow! 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Kaito, this is a great quality blog post! You have given thoughtful answers why each of the images were fake, so I know you are honing your Cybersmart skills!
    Your blog description encourages us to think about whether images should always be believed. Next time remember we don't begin sentences with the word 'and'. You could just say "How hard to you think it would be to make an image that could fool people?"
    Have you ever seen an image that you couldn't tell if it was fake or real? blog you later, Megan : )


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