Thursday 4 March 2021

I know my Keyboard!

 Hi bloggers, Today I made this post about a slide called (Know your Keyboard) in my opinion it was really hard to get all of the keyboard short cuts on there. Here is my version of it⤵ Hope you like it! 


Here is a question for you: Do you know all of the short cuts? & Have you ever used them? 
Let me know in the comment section below! Bye blog ya later!


  1. Kia Oar Kaito, I'm glad this challenged you and no I definitely don't know all the shortcut keys yet but I am learning more all the time. Do you think you learnt any new shortcut keys that you will continue to use? Megan : )

  2. This is really helpful, Kaito. I think I would save so much time using these shortcuts, I'm still so used to some of the old and slower ways.

  3. Gidday Kaito this is a really cool slide about know your keyboard you also showed all the shortcuts for a lot of different things.
    Blog you later

  4. Hello Kaito. Its Antonio here.
    You really do know your keyboard. I think some of your gaming has payed off, and your school work.
    Nice Slide by the way.

    Do you like using your home keyboard or your school keyboard?

    Blog Ya LATER!!!


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