Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Our sound experiment

Hi people yesterday me and my classmates did a sound experiment it was really fun. I had to find a partner and found my best friend Antonio as a partner first we had to get a piece of string and 2 cups we made a little hole into the bottom of our cups then we put the string through that hole then tied a big knot at the end we did the same thing on the other side and we were finished! I have a photo of me and Antonio trying this experiment. I hope you like it! 


I have a question for you: have you ever tried this experiment? 

Bye blog ya later

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kaito my name is Melnina from Room 25. I like your blog post about the sound experiment. I remember when I did something like this and it was very fun.
    Thanks for sharing your learning, you should come and check out my blog My Blog
    BLog you later


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